Сценарий праздника День Матери на английском языке

Сценарий праздника День Матери на английском языке

Внеклассное мероприятие – праздник День Матери на английском языке для учащихся 3-6 классов


Цель:воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка в неформальной обстановке, при помощи игр, песен, стихотворений


Воспитательные- воспитывать любовь и уважение к родителям;

Развивающие — совершенствовать лексические навыки, навыки аудирования и говорения;

Учебные- проверить знание учащимися лексического материала предыдущих уроков;

Оборудование:сочинения, открытки, портреты мам, плакат, презентация.

Подготовительный этап.

Дети получают следующие задания: изготовить поздравительную открытку, написать сочинение-рассказ “MydearMother”, нарисовать портрет, найти информацию об истории праздника в Великобритании, Америке, России, подготовить презентацию, выучить стихи, песни, подготовить костюмы.


Teacher: Good morning dear boys and girls, teachers and parents!

Children:Good morning, good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you!

Teacher:We wish to congratulate you on the Mother’s Day. Please, children!

Двое учеников представляют вниманию зрителей презентацию с информацией из истории праздника в разных странах.


P1:I love my dear Mummy!

I love her very much!

And do you love your Mummy?

Children (in chorus):Of course, and very much!

P2:Who loves Mummy best?

“I”, says Fred. “I give her flowers: white, yellow and red.”

Who loves Mummy best?

P3:“I”, says May. “With my dear Mummy I always play”

Who loves Mummy best?

P4:“I”, says Joe. “She asks to help her and I always do so”.

P5: I’m mother’s little pet. Yes, that’s me

And my hair is very black as you can see.

P6:I’ve got two balls, many toys and a brother

And I’m very, very, very fond of my mother.

P7:I’ve got a mother. We like to play. We speak together every day.

P8:She always helps me when I’m in need

For she’s my friend. Good friend indeed.

P9:Such clever tricks my Mum can do

I love my Mum she loves me too.

P10:I’ve got a Mum. Her name is Irene. Her hair is fair, her eyes are green.

We cook together every day. Such fun we have we dance and and play.

Teacher:And now we’ll dance for our mothers. And the mothers enjoy watching their dear children.

Dance.  Танец.
P1:Who said “Good night” when I was a child?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

P2:Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay and showed me often how to play?

P3:Who ran to help me when I fell and who could funny stories tell

Children (in chorus): My mother!

P4:Who sits at my head when I am in bed?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

P5: Who is nice, who is kind and so dear you’ll never find?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

P6:Mother is busy from morning till night

Keeping her family happy and bright.

P7:Help your mother lay the table, put a knife, a fork, a spoon.

Help your mother lay the table every afternoon.

P8: Help your mother clear the table, take a knife, a fork, a spoon.

Help your mother clear the table morning, day and afternoon.

P9:Make a basket for your mother and fill it with flowers gay,

Then put in a card just to say:  

Children (in chorus): Happy Mother’s Day! (song: I just call to say I love you) children give their mothers cards детидарятмамамоткрытки

P10:Each bright flower is here to say my wish for you

Children (in chorus):Happy Mother’s Day!

My dear, dear Mother I love you very much

Be healthy, be happy every day and so much!

Song. Песня.

Teacher: Thank you, children, sit down, please. Our Mums want to give you advice.

Mother1:Work while you work, boys, play while you play

That is the way, boys, to be happy and gay.

Mother2:All that you do girls, do with your might.

Things done by half, girls, are never done right.

Teacher:Thank you very much for good advice. And now let’s play!

Games for children and their Mums.

1) «Findyourchild» Мамы с закрытыми глазами пытаются угадать своего ребёнка (по руке ребёнка) на ощупь

2) «Guess the word» (Understand me without words) – Miming game

Дети движениями показывают загаданное слово, мамы отгадывают

Teacher: That’s all for today. I think you are happy, your mothers and grandmothers are also happy. Thank you very much! Happy Mother’s Day!

Sing and Dance

Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet, stamp your feet together

Nod, nod, nod  your heads, nod your heads together

Dance, dance, dance a dance, dance a dance together

Чаепитие с мамами

Мероприятие подготовлено на основе материала из пособия для учителей автора-составителя Т.И. Кузнецовой. — Волгоград: Учитель, 2006.

Автор: Сердюкова Елена Александровна

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